Event Sign-in "*" indicates required fields Name*Please enter your name in the same format as you did when registering for this course. First Last AGD Number (Optional)Please provide us with your AGD number once per session to aid us in issuing your CE letter.Phone*Email* Non Reproduction of Course Live Stream* I agree to not record or share content from this live stream.This content is copyrighted by Williams GP Orthodontics. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.Non Disclosure* I agree to the course non-disclosure agreement.Any material distributed or presented throughout this course is for educational purposes. This material is for your personal use only. It is understood that no part or whole of the material will be used for any other reason than personal use. This material is copyrighted and may not be duplicated or distributed for any reason without the written consent from Williams GP Orthodontic Seminars LLC and Dr. Bradford R Williams. I also understand that NO VIDEOS or PHOTOS are to be taken during the course of any material presented, presentations or lectures. Photo Consent* I consent to the class photography policy.I hereby give the American Orthodontic Society (AOS) and Williams GP Orthodontic Seminars permission to take and use individual, classroom or group pictures during the sessions for marketing and promotional use on our websites, social media or future course advertising and/or promotions. Were you referred by another Doctor? Yes No Name of the Doctor who referred you: Sign-in button will only appear if your entry details match a registered participant. Are you having trouble signing in? Technical Support