McFarlane Orthodontic Webinars
There is no better time in history to incorporate orthodontics into your general practice. In particular, there will be a large cohort of patients returning after a trial with “Direct to Consumer” orthodontics that will have terrible outcomes, and require some high-quality rehabilitation (orthodontic and restorative.) This course series will position the general dentist to confidently help these patients, and get them back to oral health and harmony. These - along with some well-selected routine braces and clear aligner cases - will keep us all very busy for years to come.
- Replacing live lectures for busy dentists who wish to incorporate orthodontics into their practices.
- 1-hour webinars on a given Tuesday evening of each month: September 2020-June 2021. 7-8pm CST. A link will be provided prior to the start.
- For a fee, dentists can watch them live, or watch them as archived videos on
- Questions can be submitted during the live sessions through the webinar engine, or later via e-mail.
- September “Clear Aligner Case Selection for the General Dentist.”
- October “Clear Aligners vs. Braces: The Strengths of Each.”
- November “How to Fix Terrible Bites Returning From DIY Ortho.”
- December “Simple Fixed Orthodontics Cases for Great Results.”
- January “Transverse Correction Before Aligners or Braces.”
- February “Class II Correction Before Aligners or Braces.”
- March “Class III Correction Before Aligners or Braces.”
- April “Class II/III Correction in the Mixed Dentition.”
- May “Propel For Acceleration and Predictability.”
- June “Case Finishing and Retention.”
Course Instructor

R. Bruce McFarlane DMD BScD MClD FRCD(C)
Diplomate: American Board of Orthodontics
Dr. McFarlane is a world-renowned orthodontist and educator. A dentist since 1984, and an orthodontic specialist since 1992: he has treated tens of thousands of orthodontic cases. He is a sought-after speaker in the areas of fixed and clear aligner orthodontics. He is a clear aligner pioneer since the 1998 birth of Invisalign. He is very aware of the need for general dentists to have a strong educational background in order to incorporate orthodontics into their practices and stay safe, successful and profitable.
Dr. Bruce McFarlane has no financial relationships relevant to this presentation to disclose.

Course Cost
$50 per session for AOS members
Non-Member pricing is $100.00 per session. Refund policy is 50% two weeks prior to the date of the registered course.