If You Only Take One Orthodontic Course, This Should Be the One

Take one orthodontics course

This orthodontic course could change the trajectory of your dental career. Finding the time for continuing education can be a challenge for many dentists. Though they know it is important, there are opportunity costs to consider. From balancing time with family members and friends to taking time for self-care, there are certainly things that should…

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3 Ways Orthodontics Provides More for Your Patients Than Great Smiles

Orthodontics gives your patients' great smiles.

The Impact of Orthodontic Advancements on Patients and Your Practice Our teeth impact every aspect of our daily lives. They affect the way we eat, how we speak, and how self-confident we are, so it’s no surprise that patients who suffer from things like overcrowding, spacing, or overjet are often hesitant to show off their…

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Is Taking a Straight Wire Ortho Course the Best Decision?

Straight wire ortho course

The Growing Demand for Orthodontics Orthodontics is only becoming more popular each year thanks to social media and greater awareness of the importance of our oral health. If you are a dentist wanting to expand your practice and offer orthodontics, there is no question that you need to take a comprehensive continuing education course to…

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3 Reasons To Add Orthodontics to Your Practice

Add orthodontics to your practice

Adding orthodontics to your dental practice offerings is a game changer! There is no question that we see orthodontics everywhere today. We see it on social media, television, and in print ads. It is not surprising that orthodontics is in high demand because it prevents long-term dental problems and obviously creates beautiful smiles. Why should…

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Stay Current With Orthodontics in Our Treatment Strategies Update Course

Stay up to date with current orthodontics

Are you ready for the next step in your orthodontic practice journey? You’re skilled at treating orthodontics, but there is always room to learn and expand your orthodontic knowledge. The best way to continue your education beyond dental school and residency is by taking an advanced orthocourse. The American Orthodontic Society (AOS) has courses for…

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Why Every Dentist Should Understand Orthodontics

Understand the future of orthodontics

Orthodontics is part of the comprehensive care you provide your patients.  Patients have high expectations of their general and pediatric dentists because they are essentially their primary care doctor of the mouth. So when you see patients, it should be every general and pediatric dentist’s goal to provide comprehensive care, and this means being able…

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5 Common Problems Orthodontics Can Fix That Dentists Sometimes Miss

General dentist orthodontics

Let’s look at 5 common problems orthodontics can treat. Malocclusion can make it difficult to chew properly, speak normally, and maintain good oral health. Overbites, underbites, and crooked teeth may also cause other medical issues that dentists might misdiagnose as something unrelated to a malocclusion. Take a look at 5 of the most common ones…

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5 Ways To Encourage Patients To Receive the Orthodontic Care They Need

How to encourage patients to begin orthodontics

Encouraging Patients Toward Orthodontic Care Everyone wants a perfect smile, but sometimes it takes a little bit of encouragement to get patients to begin their orthodontic treatment. Orthodontics is a major commitment, both timewise and financially, so patients want to feel confident before starting any long-term treatment that will affect the way they smile, eat,…

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10 Reasons Your Patients Are Hesitant To Embrace Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics needs dentists can address

What’s keeping your patients from starting ortho treatment?  Dental patients crave straight, glowing smiles, but that perfect look requires an orthodontic journey with their trained general or pediatric dentist. Orthodontics is one of the only fields in dentistry that can completely transform a smile both cosmetically and functionally, yet there are patients who are apprehensive…

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