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5 Ways GP Orthodontics Courses Lead to Improved Production and Patient Retention
Bolster your dental office production and patient retention with orthodontics. There is no secret that adding orthodontics is a lucrative treatment that can boost production and improve the financial situation…
6 Tips for Dental Professionals Pursuing Financial Freedom
Increasing your income, finding financial freedom for dentists Financial freedom is something that virtually everyone either wishes to pursue, is currently pursuing, or has managed to attain. Being a dental…
5 Must-Haves for Creating and Maintaining a Positive Dental Practice Culture
Culture means everything when it comes to dental practice success. Does your office give a sense of warmth and motivated energy when you walk in or does it feel like…
Over Half of Pediatric Dentists Are Missing Out on This Opportunity
Want to grow your pediatric practice at a rapid pace? If you’re a pediatric dentist looking to expand your pediatric dental practice, you may be uncertain which avenues are worth…
Don’t Let Your Patients Suffer From Orthodontic Problems
Going Beyond General Dentistry With Orthodontics Sometimes patients suffer silently from orthodontic problems because they are simply unaware they have an issue. Others don’t have a dentist who is trained…
5 Reasons You Need a GP Orthodontic Course, Even If You Refer
How GP Ortho Courses Benefit Your Practice, Even When You Refer Out General dentist orthodontic courses are among the best professional development choices a dentist can make. They can let…
Get the Ortho Training You Need and More Through the AOS
Not all orthodontic courses are the same. Today, orthodontic courses for general dentists offer a way to add treatment options to your practice. However, not every course can provide the…
Yes, You Can Increase Patient Acceptance Rates in Your Dental Practice
Encouraging an Increase in Patient Acceptance Rates Once a patient is in the chair, how can a dentist convince that patient they need additional dental work besides a routine cleaning?…
Don’t Be Fooled by “Fast-Track” Orthodontic Classes
4 Reasons Fast-Track Orthodontic Classes May Not Be Right for You Orthodontic training courses can be a tremendous asset for general dentists looking to provide more treatment options. However, dentists…
Dentists: Incorporate Orthodontics Into Every Evaluation
5 Reasons To Prioritize Orthodontics in Your Practice Dentists need to get away from the old-school thinking that orthodontics does not apply to them. If you are a licensed dentist…
Stay Current With Orthodontics in Our Treatment Strategies Update Course
Are you ready for the next step in your orthodontic practice journey? You’re skilled at treating orthodontics, but there is always room to learn and expand your orthodontic knowledge. The…
Why Every Dentist Should Understand Orthodontics
Orthodontics is part of the comprehensive care you provide your patients. Patients have high expectations of their general and pediatric dentists because they are essentially their primary care doctor of…