Providing orthodontics is about more than just giving our patients great smiles. Orthodontic treatment can oftentimes be used alone, or in tandem with other treatment modalities as part of a larger treatment plan. Orthodontics can serve our patients as an alternative to surgical or more invasive procedures. Ortho can also assist us in improving tooth…
The 2025 Annual Meeting will feature a truly unique group of speakers and industry leaders presenting on a wide variety of topics for both clinicians and dental teams.
Our Premier Course in Tulsa includes hands-on instruction in real orthodontics cases. You’ll be guided by Dr. Williams, a respected GP Orthodontic Practitioner with over 30 years of experience. The Premier Comprehensive Clinical Program offers advantages not found in other postgraduate, general practice orthodontic programs.
Whether you’re a general or pediatric dentist, the Basic Straight Wire Course provides the foundational education you need to competently integrate straight wire orthodontics into your practice and treat 70% to 80% of current or prospective orthodontic cases.